Individual Therapy for Teens and Young Adults 

Reduce Conflict and Prepare Your Teen for the Future

It’s a Very Different World

Teens and young adults are under is more pressure than ever before. Every mistake is broadcasted on social media while they are bombarded with more information than they can possibly process.

Teens and young adults have always been wary of advice from adults. The wrong approach can magnify the alienation, confusion, and frustration of being a young person. 

To make matters worse, they feel like they have very little independence and freedom while pushing for more in ways that only bring on more restrictions.

This transitional period is a tough time for parents and young people alike.

For parents, these years can be scary as they watch their child change.

Setting boundaries with a teen while giving them the freedom they ask for is a delicate balance that parents don’t always get perfectly.

Simple conflicts turn into breakdowns that bring up worry and anxiety about the future.

There’s so much opposition, you aren’t sure if you’ll ever be on the same page.

Therapy for Young Adults

Another big transition for young people is when they leave for college. College students are navigating a brand new world and are often doing so without the support system that helped them stay afloat while they succeeded in high school.

This is stage where they are introduced to more adult themes and responsibilities: Substance use, sex, and no parental supervision means that they have to make decisions on their own.

After working at Caltech University and UCSB for a number of years, I’m incredibly familiar with the tough choices that face a new college student.

Therapy for Teens

Therapy for teens and young adults is an opportunity for them to sort through the chaos and the emotional volatility they experience. It’s a space for them to be themselves but with someone you know will have your interests in mind as well.

Therapy is a place where they can start having conversations that need to happen with an adult, but are resistant to having with their parents.

A Therapist is someone who can help them find calm in the storm. Better emotional control and self confidence are tools that will benefit them now and they’ll be able to take with them into adulthood.

Support When You Need it Most

I can help your teen or young adult reach their potential with tools for stress management, emotional regulation, and making tough decisions.

These necessary tools lead to lower anxiety, more direction, and better relationships.

Reduce conflict in your home and get on the same page with your teen.

Questions before getting started? Get in touch.