Overcoming Anxiety
Anxiety Doesn’t Have to Be a Mystery
Find Permanent Relief, Not Temporary Escape
What’s Happening to Me?
Worry and panic grab you out of nowhere.
At the grocery store, in the car, at your desk.
The racing thoughts stop you in your tracks.
Most nights, you lay awake at 3am.
Your heart races.
You try –and fail – to fall back asleep.
You’ve tried googling your symptoms, but you’re only left with more confusion.
The professionals online say these symptoms are normal. They tell you it’s just your body responding to “perceived threats in the environment.”
But this doesn’t feel normal.
And you aren’t sure how much longer you can go on feeling like this.
Seeing your Doctor Hasn’t Helped
You’ve been told that Anxiety is just the cost of a busy life in the modern world.
Your Doctor left you hanging: “The best you can do is manage your symptoms with medication and breathing exercises.”
Managing your symptoms is not the same as overcoming them.
Medication, meditation, and breathing are incredibly helpful tools to reduce symptoms.
But at the end of the day, they’re barely helping.
You can’t help but wonder:
“Why is this happening?”
And more importantly:
”Will it ever stop?”
Finding Answers
Anxiety doesn’t have to be a mystery.
You can find the answers. You can stop feeling powerless.
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy tools will give you the confidence to challenge overwhelming thoughts when they surface so you can push back and dig deeper in and out of session.
When fear and worry arise, you’ll begin to push forward with curiosity, instead of retreating. You’ll start to feel powerful instead of confused when your symptoms arise.
By pushing through, getting curious, and building mastery over these intense symptoms, you will find answers. And when you find answers to where the anxiety is coming from, you’ll be on the path to overcoming – not just managing – anxiety.